Monday, 15 April 2013

A tale of two artists


Now that I've got regular hours at work I am able to make this blog a weekly thing, therefore am able to  plan it more! which is nice.

I wanted to share with you some artists that I've long since admired. Yves Klein isn't someone I've always liked, it's been hard for me to really get to grips with, and I'm not alone. Many of his exhibitions and live performance art has been mis-understood, much to the frustration of the artist. And I'm not claiming to understand his message now but I have found a respect for him.

A lifetime dedicated to one colour - you've got to admire this man. And boy what a colour! Here we go....

Such a wonderful, unearthly tone of blue. 

Another man whose life was dedicated to a similar cause is Emil Nolde. He was a supporter of the Nazi party who then got ousted because his art was not accepted. His paintings were removed from museum walls and he was forced to paint in secret. He then created hundreds of beautiful watercolours which he called 'The Unpainted Pictures'. Here are a few of my favourites:

As you can see, I found it hard to narrow down my collection! He's a great example of how watercolour can be just as powerful, if not more, than other mediums such as oil and gauche. And I know it sounds a wee bit corny, but you can really get a sense of emotion through the colours in his work. 

Stay curious!

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